Gurmann Attorneys at Law – Quality Always

We build bridges at the interface between business and law

Creating trust, enforcing the law, securing the future – these principles characterize our daily work. They make us one of Austria's leading law firms in the fields of corporate law, commercial litigation and public economy law. Personal service, fair negotiations, partnership-based contracts and respectful interaction form the foundation of our work and our relationships with clients.

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Dr. Stefan Gurmann

Attorney at Law
FH Honorary Professor – M.B.L.-HSG

FH-Hon.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Gurmann, M.B.L.-HSG - Specialist for Corporate Law and Commercial Litigation

Focal points

Mergers & Acquisitions
Corporate and Commercial Law
Private Clients
Commercial Litigation


Stefan Gurmann is a lawyer, founder of Gurmann Rechtsanwälte and heads the law firm in Vienna. His practice focuses on corporate law and advising on M&A and private equity projects with many years of experience in cross-border M&A transactions in Austria and CEE, national and international joint ventures and restructurings.

He holds a Master of Laws and a doctorate in law from the University of Graz. He also holds a postgraduate degree in European and International Business Law from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.

In addition to his work as a lawyer, Stefan Gurmann teaches corporate law and insolvency law as an honorary professor at the CAMPUS02 University of Applied Sciences in Graz. He lectures on international contract law at the University of Graz.

He is a member of various boards of Austrian companies and private foundations, a board member of the European Lawyers Association DACH and the HSG Alumni Chapter Vienna.


FH-Hon.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Gurmann, M.B.L.-HSG - Specialist for Corporate Law and Commercial Litigation


German, English


Gurmann, Board of Trustees, creditor protection and criminal law

In: Urban (ed.): Wissenschaft - Praxis - Studium; Eine straf(prozess)rechtliche Symbiose.

Vienna. LexisNexis. 2021.


Gurmann, Merger control in the acquisition of non-controlling minority shareholdings

In: European Lawyers' Association DACH (ed.): Antitrust Law, Publication Series Volume 51.

Zurich. Schulthess publishing house. 2018.


Gurmann, Fundamentals of corporate and insolvency law

  1. Edition. Vienna. Linde publishing house. 2019.


Gurmann, chapter on corporate law

In: Grünbichler (ed.): Grundriss Wirtschaftsrecht

Vienna. Linde publishing house. 2019.


Gurmann/Eberhardt, Management liability in practice

Vienna. Austrian publishing house. 2016.


Gurmann/Eberhardt, Fundamentals of corporate and insolvency law

  1. Edition. Vienna. Austrian publishing house. 2014.


Gurmann/Eberhardt, Voting prohibition and contestation of the discharge of a shareholder-managing director

In: Recht der Wirtschaft - Fachzeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, Arbeits- und Steuerrecht. Vienna. LexisNexis. 2014.

Gurmann, claim against a deleted GmbH or its liability insurance

In: Recht der Wirtschaft - Fachzeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, Arbeits- und Steuerrecht. Vienna. LexisNexis. 2013.


Gurmann, Deletion of a GmbH - end of all creditor claims?

In: Trade journal Österreichische Bauzeitung. Vienna. Wirtschaftsverlag. Issue 15/2013.


Gurmann, Who is the contractual partner - the architect or the client?

In: Trade journal Österreichische Bauzeitung. Vienna. Wirtschaftsverlag. Issue 03/2013.


Gurmann, Liability avoidance for managing directors

In: Trade journal Österreichische Bauzeitung. Vienna. Wirtschaftsverlag. Issue 19/2012.


Gurmann, Chapter 6.3/The Mandatory Offer/Exkurs: Reorganizations, Chapter 9/Determination Procedure and Chapter 10/Voluntary Offer to Acquire Control

In: Birkner (ed.): Handbuch Übernahmerecht. Vienna. LexisNexis. 2012.


Gurmann/Eberhardt, Directors' and officers' liability and legal consequences of discharge

In: Journal of Corporate Law and Tax Law. Vienna. GES. 2012.


Gurmann, Claims of the company under a syndicate agreement

In: Recht der Wirtschaft - Fachzeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, Arbeits- und Steuerrecht. Vienna. LexisNexis. 2010.


Gurmann, Thoughts on the notarial deed obligation in the case of subsequent amendments to a purchase and assignment agreement

In: Journal of Corporate Law and Tax Law. Vienna. GES. 2009.


Gurmann/Polauf, Cross-border mergers in Hungary

In: eastlex - Journal for Business Law and Tax Law in Eastern Europe. Vienna. Manz Publishing House. 2009.


Gurmann/Thaler, Recording and public broadcast of the Annual General Meeting

In: Journal of Corporate Law and Tax Law. Vienna. GES. 2009.

Birkner/Gurmann, Doing Business in Austria

In: Practical Law Company (ed.). PLC Cross-Border Handbooks. London. PLC. 2008.


Gurmann/Sakowitsch, Vinkulierung von Geschäftsanteilen und Rechtsfolgen der Umgehung

In: Journal of Corporate Law and Tax Law. Vienna. GES. 2008.


Spatz/Gurmann, Voting bans in the syndicate

In: Der Gesellschafter - Zeitschrift für Gesellschafts- und Unternehmensrecht. Vienna. Linde Publishing House. 2008.


Gurmann, Internet auctions. Commercial law - Civil law - Criminal law

Vienna. Springer Publishing House. 2005.


Schick/Gurmann, (Own) amendment of a deed by making a subsequent amendment pursuant to §§ 567f ABGB

In: Österreichische Notariatszeitung der Notariatskammer. Vienna. Manz Publishing House. 2005.


Schmölzer/Gurmann, specialized examination in criminal law and criminal procedure law

In: JAP - Legal Education & Practice Preparation. Vienna. Manz Publishing House. 2003.


Gurmann, The E-Commerce Act - A Summary

In: Journal for applied legal informatics "datagraph". Graz. dbv Verlag. 2002.


Gurmann, The obligation of the board of the private foundation to submit the supplementary foundation deed

In: ecolex - Journal for Business Law. Vienna. Manz Publishing House. 2002.

Contact us

Katja Schreibmayer

Certified Data Protection Officer DPO (Austrian Standards)

Katja Schreibmayer - Expert for Corporate Law and Public Economy Law

Focal points

Corporate Law
Public Economy Law


Katja Schreibmayer is a lawyer and has more than 20 years of professional experience in leading law firms in Vienna and Graz. She graduated in law from the University of Graz and is the branch manager of the law firm Gurmann Rechtsanwälte in Graz.

Her practice focuses on corporate and commercial law with particular expertise in public procurement, state aid and data protection law. Her clients include companies, family offices and public clients, whom she advises, supports and represents comprehensively. She attaches great importance to personal support and the development of sustainable solutions.

In addition to her work as a lawyer, Katja Schreibmayer is also active as a lecturer. She holds training courses and seminars, particularly in the areas of contract law, public procurement law and data protection.

Katja Schreibmayer - Expert for Corporate Law and Public Economy Law


German, English


Schreibmayer, Sale of real estate in the light of state aid law

In: Journal RFG Recht & Finanzen für Gemeinden. Vienna. Manz publishing house. Issue 03/2020.

Schreibmayer/Schiefer, The granting of building rights from the perspective of public procurement law

In: Journal RFG Recht & Finanzen für Gemeinden. Vienna. Manz publishing house. Issue 32/2019.

Heid/Schreibmayer, Design of the offer

In: Heid/Preslmayr (eds.): Handbuch Vergaberecht. 3rd edition. Vienna. LexisNexis. 2010.

_BVA: Material eligibility to submit an application pursuant to Section 320 (1) Z 1 and Z 2 BVergG

BVA 09 N 0082-BVA/200856S = RPA 2008, 332

Gurmann/Sakowitsch, Transfer restriction of shares and legal consequences of circumvention

In: Journal of Corporate Law and Tax Law. Vienna. GES. 2008.

Sakowitsch/Lurger, Public Private Partnerships

In: Straberger (ed.): EU-Recht: Rechtsgrundlagen - Judikatur - Umsetzung in österreichisches Recht. Vienna. WEKA. Loose-leaf collection.

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Corporate Law

We advise start-ups, companies and investors on all aspects of corporate and company law as well as M&A transactions. We also assist clients in all phases of the entrepreneurial life cycle – from the formation of a company, the structuring of corporate governance and the preparation of shareholders' meetings to the succession or dissolution and liquidation of the company. 

Commercial Litigation

In the area of litigation, we advise on commercial court disputes, the enforcement of contractual claims and damages as well as the assertion of claims arising from service relationships. In addition, we support and assist our clients in corporate law disputes and in foundation law disputes.

Public Economy Law

Public commercial law is characterized by its great complexity. The resulting issues are often complex and require special attention. We offer comprehensive advice on public procurement law and state aid law and support our clients in all legal and strategic steps in these areas of law so that they can act successfully and with legal certainty.